Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be thankful

I have just finished a year that I wish to never repeat.

My old life collapsed around me and for so long I wanted it back.  I was 'told' you can't move forward while still looking back.  That did not provide much comfort for me at the time.  Now, I have a new life.  I look back at what I have been through and I am thankful for the experience.  A lot of good things came out of the experience.

First and foremost is my spiritual growth.  I have a totally different attitude to my spirituality and I am comfortable with the change.

I gained an insight to how much my husband loves me.  The support he gave me cannot be expressed.  No longer do I take our love for granted.  I also found the most amazing friend whose company is uplifting and most of all - fun!

I would never have discovered how much I enjoy writing.  These blogs are very therapeutic for me.

Money does not make you happy.  Try telling that to someone who has no job, the rent is due, the cupboard is bare and they only have $5 in their pocket.  Lack of money does not make you happy either.  I have learned to appreciate money but not to idolize it or expect it to solve all my problems.

I learned so much about myself, good and not so good.   I know the areas I need to work on and I appreciate my good qualities.

Sometimes we need to go through the hard times to shed the old life and attitudes that are not good for us to be able to make way for the new life that is so much better for us.

This morning I am looking back at my old life and appreciating my new life.  Everyone I meet, personally or on the internet, are really nice people.  To be surrounded by such wonderful people is something to be truly thankful for.

When you are in the middle of a hard time, do not look too far into the future.  Look at getting through an hour or a day.  When you have finished that day, be thankful you made it through.  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  One day you will wake up and find that you are in a much better place than you were in before.  Then you too, will be thankful for the hard times that you have been through.


  1. Thank you Universe for all that i am. I don't enjoy the hard times, but i appreciate what they have formed me into.
