Saturday, November 20, 2010

Everyone needs a sanctuary

It is important that everyone has a sanctuary, a place of safety.  It is a place where you can sit and chill, or a place you can go to when you are feeling down, or a place to ponder a decision you have to make.

My main sanctuary is a room in our house.  We call it the 'quiet room'.  It is a room that houses all our crystals and is used solely for spiritual things.  The vibrations are very calming.  Every morning I go into that room and have my quiet time, being thankful for all that I have and to prepare myself for the coming day.  I also go to that room when I need to have some time out or to rid myself of negative thoughts.  This room enables me to maintain my balance.

I also enjoy nature as a calming influence.  Sitting on the beach watching the surf, or in a harbour watching boats come and go is very soothing.  Sitting in a park or a forest with running water also helps to let my mind wander.  I find water is my relaxant however when we lived in a place with limited water, I found a sanctuary in the red dirt and the night sky. 

No matter where you live, try to find a place you can spend time every day to help you with lifes trials and tribulations.  Find a place you can visit every now and then to go to when you are feeling troubled or to recharge your batteries with different vibrations to top up your feelings of wellbeing.

Everyone has a different idea of what a sanctuary is to them, whatever that may be find it, and enjoy it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Attitude is everything!

We have the choice to treat life as a challenge or we can treat it as an adventure.  Life is all about learning new things.  No matter what you do, you will continue to learn lessons throughout your lifetime.  Your attitude will make a difference to how easy or difficult it is to learn the lessons.

If you treat life like an adventure, you can wait with anticipation for the next leg in your journey.  If you treat each episode as a way to learn as much about yourself as you can, the journey is so much more fun and, I believe, you will learn so much more.

If you treat life like a challenge and a chore, you are more likely to just get through the drama as quickly as possible.  The trouble with this thinking is that you may not learn everything you need to learn first time around.  The same problem will keep coming back, and more severe each time, until you do learn the lessons you need to learn.  So it takes longer to learn your lessons and you limit your time on moving forward to the next lesson.

When you treat life as an adventure, you have more energy.  You may not get what you thought you wanted but you bounce back quickly because you realise that there is something even better out there to experience.

Make your choice, adventure or challenge?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Count your Blessings

My Mother used to tell me to count my blessings when I was moaning that someone could do something that I was not allowed to do.  I never really gave it much thought as a child but now it is really important to me.

I must admit that I have a tendency to have a poor me attitude.  It is something that comes out every now and then when I least expect it.  I fight it every time it comes back with the art of counting my blessings.

Sometimes it is very hard to find something positive to start counting with.  I always resort to the love of my family and friends.  I have about 5 people who really love me, not the superficial kind of love, but a deep love and they accept me unconditionally no matter what I do.  Now sometimes, I can only really feel that love from one of those five people and I will concentrate on that love as a blessing.  Each day I would list first thing in the morning who or what was a blessing to me and I was very fortunate to have in my life.  Just before I went to bed I would go over my day and find at least one instance of something good happening to me during the day.  Sometimes it was to see a baby smile or to see a perfectly formed flower.  Other times it was the kindness of a loved one or a stranger.  Each day my list would get longer of the good things in my life and the happy moments during the day.  Before long I was appreciative of my life again.

As soon as I start to appreciate my life, so many good things seem to happen and more opportunities open up for me. I am not sure whether all the good things happen because being positive brings about more opportunities or whether my attitude has changed and I recognise the good things happening around me.

So next time you are feeling a little down or things are not going the way you want them to, start counting your blessings.  It works!