Thursday, October 28, 2010

You don't have to be poor to be spiritual

I used to believe that you had to be poor to be spiritual.  I think the notion came from my Sunday School lessons and I embraced it with a passion.  Hence, I was happy to be poor.

As I have progressed in life, I have come to realise that money does not make you happy.  Conversely being poor does not make you happy either.

It is very hard to stay connected with your spiritual side while you are constantly worrying how you are going to pay for your next bill or keep a roof over your head.  Lets face it, we live in a material world and money is needed to live in a material world.  We can't all be self sufficient to the extent of not needing money.

I have observed people who have touched my life.  I have met many lovely spiritual people both rich and poor.  They are all just really nice people and the amount of money they have makes no difference to the people they are.  The only thing I have noticed is that the rich people have the means to help people spiritually as well as physically.

As soon as I made up my mind that I no longer needed to be poor to be spiritual, my material world started to change.  Very slowly at first but it is getting better every day.  As the financial pressures disappear, the more I can concentrate on the spiritual and physical side of my life.

Life has a lot of challenges and opportunities for you to grow.  Don't waste them all by conentrating solely on your material life.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be thankful

I have just finished a year that I wish to never repeat.

My old life collapsed around me and for so long I wanted it back.  I was 'told' you can't move forward while still looking back.  That did not provide much comfort for me at the time.  Now, I have a new life.  I look back at what I have been through and I am thankful for the experience.  A lot of good things came out of the experience.

First and foremost is my spiritual growth.  I have a totally different attitude to my spirituality and I am comfortable with the change.

I gained an insight to how much my husband loves me.  The support he gave me cannot be expressed.  No longer do I take our love for granted.  I also found the most amazing friend whose company is uplifting and most of all - fun!

I would never have discovered how much I enjoy writing.  These blogs are very therapeutic for me.

Money does not make you happy.  Try telling that to someone who has no job, the rent is due, the cupboard is bare and they only have $5 in their pocket.  Lack of money does not make you happy either.  I have learned to appreciate money but not to idolize it or expect it to solve all my problems.

I learned so much about myself, good and not so good.   I know the areas I need to work on and I appreciate my good qualities.

Sometimes we need to go through the hard times to shed the old life and attitudes that are not good for us to be able to make way for the new life that is so much better for us.

This morning I am looking back at my old life and appreciating my new life.  Everyone I meet, personally or on the internet, are really nice people.  To be surrounded by such wonderful people is something to be truly thankful for.

When you are in the middle of a hard time, do not look too far into the future.  Look at getting through an hour or a day.  When you have finished that day, be thankful you made it through.  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  One day you will wake up and find that you are in a much better place than you were in before.  Then you too, will be thankful for the hard times that you have been through.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Help the Univese help you.

If you want to win the lottery, you must buy a ticket.  It is the same thing when you ask the Universe for assistance, you must go out and help yourself.

It is okay to ask the Universe for assistance but go out and do the legwork to help yourself achieve the goal you have set.  The more work you do for yourself, the more opportunities the Universe can create for you.

Listen to your intuition and act on what you feel you are being compelled to do, even if it is not a logical step to take.  Sometimes there are steps you need to take before you can achieve your goal.  Look at the opportunities that are presented to you and consider them carefully. You may be presented with an opportunity that you would not have even thought of before but you  find very enjoyable.

Be flexible in your approach to what you want to achieve.  You may start out with one goal and end up achieving another goal that is much more rewarding.  It is good to have a goal but sometimes circumstances change and we change and our goals may change accordingly.

Remember also, don't sacrifice the enjoyment of today waiting for the fulfillment of a goal tomorrow. It is not the achievement of the goal, but the journey that is most rewarding.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meditation Part Five

Guided Meditation

There are many opportunities for you to participate in a guided meditation.  This is where a person will take you step by step through a series of visualisations.  They may start with breathing exercises and then onto a journey where you can absorb energy and healing.  Guided meditations can be purchased on CDs or you can go to a meditation class.

You may find it easier to meditate with music.  The music can stop thoughts coming into your mind if you concentrate on the music.

Remember, only meditate if you feel safe and comfortable.   There are many different ways to meditate, find the way that suits you best.  The main thing is to incorporate meditation into your routine and will notice very positive results.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meditation - Part Four

Meditation with Imagery

Once you have mastered your breathing, you may wish to add imagery to your meditation routine.  The imagery can be used to enhance your sense of well being.

You can imagine you are on a fluffy pink cloud and you can feel the softness of that cloud.  You can feel the love of the pink cloud and absorb that love into your body.  You can see or feel that love moving through your entire body filling you with love.

Another scenario is that you imagine yourself in a safe forest.  The plants are all very green and lush.  From the plants you can feel the energy of healing radiating from them.  This energy is touching your body and mind.  You can feel the healing being absorbed by your body and mind.  Concentrate on the green healing energy and how it radiates through your body.

There are many more scenarios that you can use to absorb energy that you require during your day.  The most important thing is that you feel safe and comfortable.  The other important factor is that you leave all your day to day thoughts out of the meditation.

To be continued.....

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Meditation - Part Three

How to Meditate.

Sit comfortably.  Uncross your arms, hands, legs and feet.  Now, take a deep breath in through the nose.  Feel the breath fill up your lungs and feel or see the clean air travelling through every part of your body.  Follow it's path until you breath it out the mouth.  Inhale through the nose, now feel or watch the clean air travel through your body, cleaning every part of your body it touches.  Exhale the dirty air through your mouth.  Take another couple of deep breaths until you feel or see the inside of your body being clean.  Then find a normal pattern of breathing, in through the nose, out through the nose. Feel the cool air on your top lip as you breath in and feel the warm air on the top of your lip as you breath out.  Concentrate totally on your breath.

If you have any thoughts come into your head, let them go and concentrate harder on your breath.  Continue concentrating as long as you can on your breathing.

Initially, you may find it a little difficult to concentrate on your breathing for 10 minutes or more, but it does get easier as you practice more.

Tomorrow I will write about another type of meditation but it is wisest to master your breathing meditation first.

To be continued.......

Friday, October 8, 2010

Meditation - Part Two

Where and When to Meditate

First and foremost you need to find a place that you won't be disturbed.  I have known of some people who meditate in the bathroom!  You need to be able to sit comfortably.  One word of caution, do not try to meditate in bed (You will fall asleep, take it from someone who knows).  Finding a place with a nice outlook or near some lovely plants would be perfect.  It is possible to meditate anywhere just so long as you won't be disturbed and you feel comfortable.

If you can't find a place that you wont be disturbed, find a time you won't be disturbed.  I used to get up half an hour before everyone else in the morning and used that time to meditate uninterrupted.  For me, it put me in the right frame of mind to have a really good day.  You can choose to meditate last thing at night.  The main thing is to consistently have a time of day that you put aside to do your meditation.  Meditation should become part of your daily routine.

To be continued.....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Meditation - Part One

Time to Meditate.

As every day life gets busier and busier it has become very important to meditate each day.  Meditation is the key to being able to have balance in your life.  Through meditation you can create for yourself peace, calmness and a sense of well being. You only need about 10 minutes each day to make a difference to your life.  Meditation has now become a part of my morning routine ( you can choose any time that is suitable to you) and my life has become calmer and more manageable.  I would like to share with you how to meditate over the next few days so that you can enhance your life too!

To be continued.....