Thursday, March 10, 2011

Making Sense of Disasters

I have been caught up in the natural disasters that have affected me personally and my family members recently.  Then I looked at all the disasters and unrest in the rest of the world.  It just does not make sense to me.  Then, I felt a glimmer of hope when I found something that made sense to me.

I have had the disasters and unrest explained to me as follows:-
It is when you are the middle of a cyclone, cowering in fear that you evaluate your core being.  It is while you are in the middle of an earthquake fearing whether you will see your loved ones again that you see yourself for who you really are.  After you survive a natural disaster, you start to evaluate yourself and your life.  It is after a natural disaster that you see the human side of people helping each other through a tough time.  The spirit of human kindness is reignited in most people.  It is this caring of other people that changes the world slightly from self absorbed people to caring people.  As people change, the light of humanity brightens.

As people in countries rise up against dictatorships, people are putting themselves at risk for the greater good of their fellow men.  They are fighting for freedom and are starting to win.  People are no longer wanting to live in fear and are doing something positive to change their world.  Their light of humanity brightens.

People have said much about the world ending in 2012.  Maybe the world we know will change in 2012.  Going from one where people are self centred, materialistic and argumentative to a world where people are interested in the welfare and well being of their fellow man.  A time of peace and harmony.

As each new disaster unfolds, I hold onto the hope that we have to endure these scenes of devastation for the greater good of humanity.  That after all the horrible things that happen we will be rewarded with a brighter future of peace and harmony.

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