Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Spirit of Connectedness

It has been difficult seeing all the death and destruction caused by natural disasters all over the world this year.  There is no way that I, or anyone else, can make sense of the havoc caused by Mother Nature.

One thing that has become clear for me amidst all the devastation is the connectedness of the human spirit.  I may not personally know the victims in the floods or the latest earthquake but I can feel compassion for the victims and their families.  It affects me that someone is pain due to the disaster.  It affects millions of people all over the world at the tragedies that are unfolding.  For a time, people are forgetting about themselves and thinking of the people who are affected by these natural disasters.  Their heart goes out to unknown, anonymous people who are enduring an unimaginable horror.  For a moment in time, they are connecting to the spirit of someone they do not know and feel their pain.

My interepretation of this is that it demonstrates at a very basic level that all human spirit is connected in one way or another.  We may be individuals but we are not alone.  As long as people care about people they do not even know, then there will always be hope for a better world.

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